Episode 037: Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why is the latest narrative adventure game from DONTNOD Entertainment, the studio behind the beloved franchise, Life is Strange. In this intimate mystery, reunited twins Tyler and Alyson Ronan use their supernatural bond to unravel the memories of their loving but troubled childhood. Set in beautiful small-town Alaska, Tell Me Why features true-to-life characters, mature themes and gripping choices.
As you conjure up memories of the past, your choices will affect the twins’ relationship, determine the strength of their bond, and shape the course of their lives.
Revisit your past, discover the truth, and shape your future.
This week we are going to be reviewing “Tell Me Why”, an episodic video game where you control twins Tyler and Alyson, using their supernatural bond to uncover memories of their childhood that will affect their relationship and how the game concludes. As November is host to Trans Awareness Week, Trans Day of Remembrance, and Trans Parent Day, it is only appropriate that we spend this month boosting more representation of our trans siblings.
You can either listen to the podcast above, or you can read below for a majority of the transcript of the podcast! Now as always, our discussion will begin with a brief summary of the game followed by spoiler free thoughts and feelings. This will be followed by an in-depth discussion of some of the key plot points that occurred and we will then finish off with my overall rating of the game and a heads up about what we are looking at next time. If you have not had a chance to play Tell Me Why and don’t want to hear any spoilers, then please feel free to skip the detailed section and listen to it afterwards if you so wish.
To ensure the story was respectful of people’s life experiences, DONTNOD Entertainment and the Xbox Game Studios conducted research and engaged with advocates on culture, mental health, and gender. This helps to ensure that the story of the game remains true to life and this thoughtfulness really shows when playing the game as someone who is LGBTQ+.
Final Feelings and Recommendation
Now, just a reminder that at this point, I will be going into a more detailed analysis of the game which means there will be spoilers! If you haven’t managed to play Tell Me Why yet and you don’t want anything spoiled, then this is your last chance to avoid the discussion. Or you can go ahead and close the page, go play the game and then come back afterwards to finish reading. I promise we won’t mind. Still here? Well then, don’t say I didn’t warn you.