Queer representation is ace isn’t it? It gives us role models to look up to, it helps us understand issues that effect our lives, and it is just really comforting to see a facet of ourselves reflected as an everyday part of life! That is why we decided it was time for us to out into the world and look at as much queer media as we can find! While doing this, we have decided to make our journey a podcast to give you a piece of our mind about what we have seen to hopefully help you in picking what piece of media to pick up next as well as discuss the important themes that were covered in the media itself!

How does this podcast work?

A new episode will be released every two weeks on Thursday, with each episode being dedicated to one specific piece of queer media. There will be a blurb about the media with a spoiler free section with general thoughts and feelings, then followed by an in-depth look at some of the points or issues raised within the media which will contain spoilers! Then we will wrap up each episode by giving it a rating and if we would recommend it to you, thus doing all the hard work of finding out which queer media out there is indeed great, and which is best leaving out in the forests!

To count as queer media, we are looking for things that have a queer focus either from it’s characters, storylines, or overall themes, OR has been created by a queer artist. We want to make sure that we are promoting both the art and the artists that make it whenever its appropriate to do so!

The media itself can be any of the following:

  • Books, Comics, & Manga

  • Films & TV Shows

  • Music albums & Podcasts

  • Videogames

  • ..basically, if you can consume it as media, we will want to be reviewing it at some point!

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Episode 037: Tell Me Why

“Reunited twins Tyler and Alyson Ronan use their supernatural bond to unravel the memories of their loving but troubled childhood. Set in beautiful small-town Alaska…”

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